##Learn Pascal programming visually.

Learn programming by writing code and visualizing execution.

This free educational application allows teachers and students to write Pascal programs directly in the web browser, execute them and view the real-time visualization of the program. provides a rich visualization of variables and operators.

##Supported browsers

The following browsers are able to run

  • Safari 5 or higher
  • Chrome 19 or higher

##Supported language constructs

###Data types:

  • integer
  • real
  • boolean
  • char
  • array/two-dimensional array
  • record
  • string


  • assignment
  • read
  • write/writeln
  • structured statements
  • if..then..else statement
  • statement
  • repeat..until statement
  • statement

###Standard Functions:

  • sin
  • cos
  • tan
  • trunc
  • round
  • sqrt
  • random
  • copy
  • pos
  • length
  • delete