OpenPlatform client lib.


This package provides a simple interface to OpenPlatform provided by DBC.


composer require danskernesdigitalebibliotek/openplatform


A working example:

$op = new OpenPlatform($token);

$res = $op->search('harry AND potter')
    ->withFields(['pid', 'title'])

foreach ($res->getData() as $material) {
    print $material['pid'][0] . ': ' . $material['title'][0] . "\n";

In short:

  1. Create an OpenPlatform instance and supply it a token (see How to obtain a token).
  2. Call a method that returns a *Request object.
  3. Chain with with* methods to set parameters.
  4. End with execute to get a lazy loading result.
  5. Get response data from getters on the response object.

Generic requests

As this library is far from complete in regard to the amount of calls implemented, there's also a generic request that'll work with any OpenPlatform call that: a) takes an access token and b) has statusCode in the reply (which should be all of them).

Lazy loading

This library uses Symfony HttpClient, so responses only perform the request when you ask for the data. Also means that you can create multiple responses, and the requests will be performed in parallel when accessing data on any one.

CLI command

The library includes a CLI command, bin/openplatform, which functions both as a practical example, and as an exploratory tool. You need to install dev dependence for the project in order to use it.

How to obtain a token

You can get a token keyed to a user by authenticating the user with Adgangsplatformen. You can use oauth2-adgangsplatformen for communicating with the service.

If you have a client id and secret, you can generate a token at .