
Reusable tools for working with slides in https://github.com/os2display

Primary LanguagePHP

Os2Display Slide Tools

Tools for working with slides for https://github.com/os2display The tools are meant to help with slides that have "slides within". It is not meant to replace the slide advancer in Os2Display, but it can allow a slide setup once by a person to have as many sub-slides as needed.

The idea is that a slide will have a number of "data items". That could be a list of events for instance. Each event would be a data item. The slide can have any number of subslides that displays a number of data items.

Config variables

The variables here are the settings available on slides (in the [slidename].json file:

Variable name
sis_total_items How many data items should the slide have.
sis_items_pr_slide How many data items should be displayed on each subslide.
sis_subslide_duration How long should each subslide be displayed.
sis_cron_subscriber Identifier to use if you want your slide type to fetch data on cron.
sis_data_ttl_minutes How many minutes between data fetches for the slide type. Defaults to 10 minutes.

In config.yml these settings are available:

    use_ttl: true

use_ttl determines if there should be a wait between fetching data for the slides. It's set to false by default.

Creating a new slide type

In your custom bundle, create a new template following the documentation here.

To take advantage of the tools in this repo you need to do a couple of things in your .json file:

  • In the empty_options part of the config, add the following defaults (with your own values of course).

      "empty_options": {
        "sis_cron_subscriber": "your_cron_key",
        "sis_subslide_duration": 10,
        "sis_total_items": 9,
        "sis_items_pr_slide": 1,
        "sis_data_ttl_minutes": 5
  • If you want the user to be able to adjust these values, add the tool from this library in the tools part:
    "tools": [   {
        "name": "Slides in slides",
        "id": "slides-in-slide-config-editor"

The .js-file you link to in paths.js in the .json. file can take advantage of the sub-slide-advancing in this tool.

The Os2Display framework does not have a way to include more than one JS file for each slide, so you will have to use Gulp or whatever your tool of choice is to compile Resources/public/js/slides-in-slide.js from this library into your .js file for the slide.

You can then use the subslide advancement something like this:

// Register the function, if it does not already exist.
if (!window.slideFunctions['my-template-id']) {
  window.slideFunctions['my-template-id'] = {
     * Setup the slide for rendering.
     * @param scope
     *   The slide scope.
    setup: function setupMyTemplate(scope) {
      // Get subslides (that is the data items), num_subslides, and slide_duration
      // and call the slides-in-slides tool with those values.
      window.slidesInSlides.setup(scope, subslides, num_subslides, slide_duration);

     * Run the slide.
     * @param slide
     *   The slide.
     * @param region
     *   The region to call when the slide has been executed.
    run: function runMyTemplate(slide, region) {
      window.slidesInSlides.run(slide, region);

Fetching data on Cron

Create a service in your bundle that implements Symfony's EventSubscriberInterface. In the getSubscribedEvents function, use something like this:

  public static function getSubscribedEvents()
    return [
      'os2displayslidetools.sis_cron.your_cron_key' => [

See this bundle for some examples on how to use this tool with cron.