
A Reload opinionated way of making sure our CSS/SCSS code is up to snuff.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Styling the Reload way

A Reload opinionated way of making sure our CSS/SCSS code is up to snuff.



npm install stylelint prettier --save-dev

Install either @reloaddk/stylelint-recommended or @reloaddk/stylelint-recommended-scss depending upon your usecase.

npm install @reloaddk/stylelint-recommended --save-dev

Create these two files alongside your package.json file.




  "extends": ["@reloaddk/stylelint-recommended"]

Spin this badboy up and point stylelint and prettier towards your CSS or SCSS files.


npx stylelint "**/*.css" && npx prettier "**/*.css" --check


npx stylelint "**/*.css" --fix && npx prettier "**/*.css" --write

Additional rules

Wanting to add additional rules is straightforward.

  "extends": ["@reloaddk/stylelint-recommended"],
  "rules": {
    "color-no-invalid-hex": true

If wanting to extend the @reloaddk/stylelint-recommended we need to re-apply the prettier stylelint-config-prettier configuration that turns off all stylelint rules that is prettiers responsability.

Imagine we wanted to apply the Github CSS guidelines we would have to install their config, extend from it and then make sure to append stylelint-config-prettier.

npm install stylelint-config-primer stylelint-config-prettier --save-dev
  "extends": [

Editor integration

The editor_integration directory is an example of smart editor integration that will help you with code quality and code style on save. The equivelant can be configured for additional editors. PR's are encouraged to broaden the example support.