
A sample program to produce a simple stock market

Primary LanguageJava

Super Simple Stock Market

This application simple simulate Stock Market using Spring Boot and Java.

Design and Implementation

This sample application provides REST style API services to perform following operations:


Stock is our POJO to model Stock/Share information. This represents static information about the stock such as its symbol, shareType, lastDividend, fixedDividend, parValue which is not expected to change frequently

  1. List Stocks: GET /stock/list
  2. Retrieve details for a Stock: GET /stock/{symbol} [Example: /stock/TEA]
  3. Add new Stock: PUT /stock
  4. Update existing Stock: PUT /stock


StockValue is our POJO that models the Stock Price information on a particular date. Stock prices are subject to fluctuation depending on market conditions and as such StockValue represents an Immutable image of this image at the close of trading day.

  1. Calcuate DividendYield GET /stockValue/{symbol}/dividendYield?price=
  2. Calcuate PeRatio GET /stockValue/{symbol}/peRatio?price=


Trade is our Pojo that models an actual Trade executed to Buy/Sell a certain quantity of Stock at a certain Price at a certain time. Trade is immutable

  1. List all trades GET /trade/list
  2. List all trades in last n minutes GET /trade/list?timeInMinutes=
  3. Calcuate VolumeWeightedStockPrice GET /trade/VolumeWeightedStockPrice/{timeinMinutes}
  4. Calculate GBCEShareIndex GET /trade/GBCEShareIndex
  5. Record Trade BUY POST /trade/BUY/{symbol}?price={}&quantity={}
  6. Record Trade SELL POST /trade/SELL/{symbol}?price={}&quantity={}

The entire application is designed as primarly 3 layers

a. Controller layer - responsible for handling incoming requests and interacting with other internal application modules to provide a response

b. Service layer - responsible to perform business functions

c. DAO/Respository layer - This layer abstracts underlying persistence store. In our example application we are using In-memory repository to store the data

Apart from the above layer we also have our models which encapsulate our entities such as Trade, Stock and StockValue


The application data is validated using Spring by placing standard and custom validation constructs along the fields and parameters. For validation purpose we use the Default validation group context for the test application.

Build and Test

Maven is used to build the project. To run test cases call mvn test and to run integration test call mvn verify