
source for the frontend and api of https://fastnzb.com

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


source for the frontend and api of https://fastnzb.com.
designed to operate alongside the indexing software nZEDb (https://github.com/nZEDb/nZEDb), this software does not index usenet, instead if operates as an off-site frontend to nZEDb to reduce load on the public facing server


dotnet core v2.1
Amazon S3 bucket for storing NZB files
sphinxsearch (optional)
nginx (or apache)


In one terminal

cd src/FastNZB
npm i
npm run start

In another

dotnet watch run


copy appsettings.sample.txt to appsettings.txt in both scripts/FastNZB.Import and src/FastNZB (each has a separate format)

installation - import

run the following queries on your nZEDb database

ALTER TABLE releases ADD exported TINYINT(1) DEFAULT 0;
ALTER TABLE releases ADD failedexport TINYINT(1) DEFAULT 0;

copy the build output from scripts/FastNZB.Import to your nZEDb server
run this console program as a cron job however often as you'd like
the configuration value ApiKey should be the same on both the import appsettings.txt and the api appsettings, this is a hacky way to verify the import is coming from a valid source

installation - frontend

npm build:prod

will build a production version of the angular 2 app and copy the output to wwwroot, copy wwwroot to your production server

installation - api

dotnet build -o bin/Publish

this will build the api and place it in bin/Publish, copy this to your production server

to install as a service on CentOS, add the following file to /etc/systemd/system/fastnzb.service


ExecStart=/usr/bin/dotnet /srv/www/fastnzb.com/public_html/FastNZB.dll --server.urls http://*:5021



sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo service fastnzb start

appsettings.txt - api

MySQL - read/write connection string
MySQLRead - read-only connection string (if using read-replicas, if not copy from above)
AWS_ACCESS_KEY - AWS access for s3 bucket
AWS_SECRET_KEY - AWS access for s3 bucket
S3BucketName AWS s3 bucket name
Redis - redis server for session/caching
BaseUrl - public url
FSPath - local nzb cache location