
Micropython modules for the M5StickC Plus

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains drivers for various components available on the M5StickC Plus platform. All drivers are written in pure Micropython and are intended to be used with the generic Micropython build for ESP32-based boards.


import random
import machine

import axp192
import colors
import pcf8563
import st7789

# Set up AXP192 PMU
i2c = machine.I2C(0, sda=machine.Pin(21), scl=machine.Pin(22), freq=400000)
pmu = axp192.AXP192(i2c, board=axp192.M5StickCPlus)
print("Battery Status: {:.2f} V".format(pmu.batt_voltage()))

# Set up BM8563 RTC (clone of the NXP PCF8563)
rtc = pcf8563.PCF8563(i2c)
print("Current Date and Time: {}".format(rtc.datetime()))

# Set up ST7789 TFT
spi = machine.SPI(1, baudrate=20_000_000, polarity=1,
                  sck=machine.Pin(13, machine.Pin.OUT),
                  miso=machine.Pin(4, machine.Pin.IN),  # NC
                  mosi=machine.Pin(15, machine.Pin.OUT))

tft = st7789.ST7789(spi, 135, 240,
                    reset=machine.Pin(18, machine.Pin.OUT),
                    dc=machine.Pin(23, machine.Pin.OUT),
                    cs=machine.Pin(5, machine.Pin.OUT),

c = colors.rgb565(
tft.text("Hello World", 10, 30, colors.WHITE, c)

Using the M5StickC ENV Hat:

import dht12

# Hat I2C
hat_i2c = machine.I2C(1, sda=machine.Pin(0), scl=machine.Pin(26), freq=400000)
# DHT12 temperature and humidity sensor
rht = dht12.DHT12(hat_i2c)
temp, humidity = rht.measure()
print("Temp/Humidity: {}°C/{}%".format(temp, humidity))
# BMP280 temperature and pressure sensor
prt = bmp280.BMP280(hat_i2c, mode=bmp280.MODE_FORCED)
temp, pressure = prt.measure()
print("Temp/Pressure: {}°C/{}Pa".format(temp, pressure))

# Groove I2C
gr_i2c = machine.I2C(sda=machine.Pin(32), scl=machine.Pin(33), freq=400000)
# SGP30 indoor air quality sensor
voc = sgp30.SGP30(gr_i2c)
voc.set_absolute_humidity(sgp30.absolute_humidity(temp, humidity))
eco2, tvoc = voc.measure()
print("eCO2/TVOC: {}ppm/{}ppb".format(eco2, tvoc))

Some of the modules in this repository make use of micropython.const to optimize memory usage when deployed in pre-compiled bytecode form.


The following modules are derived from third-party sources:


Contributions are welcome! Please read and follow the Code of Conduct and make sure to acknowledge the Developer Certificate of Origin when contributing.