
A fast, secure and easy to use VPN. Built by the makers of Firefox.

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

Mozilla VPN

One tap to privacy Surf, stream, game, and get work done while maintaining your privacy online. Whether you’re traveling, using public WiFi, or simply looking for more online security, we will always put your privacy first.

See: https://vpn.mozilla.org

Getting Involved

We encourage you to participate in this open source project. We love Pull Requests, Bug Reports, ideas, (security) code reviews, or any other kind of positive contribution.

Before you attempt to make a contribution please read the Community Participation Guidelines.

Here are some useful links to start:

If you want to submit a pull-request, please, install the clang format pre-commit hook: ./scripts/git-pre-commit-format install

Checking out the source code

git clone https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/mozilla-vpn-client.git
cd mozilla-vpn-client
git submodule update --init

How to build from the source code

In order to build this application, you need to install a few dependencies.

Install Qt6

Qt6 can be installed in a number of ways:

  • download a binary package or the installer from the official QT website: https://www.qt.io/download - this is the recommended way for Android and iOS builds.
  • use a package manager. For instance, we use aqt for WASM builds.
  • compile Qt6 (dynamically or statically). If you want to choose this path, you can use our bash script for macOS and Linux:
./scripts/utils/qt6_compile.sh </qt6/source/code/path> </destination/path>

... or our batch script for windows:


Install Python 3

Python >= 3.6 is required. You also need to install a few python modules using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt --user

Install rust

Rust is required for desktop builds (MacOS, Linux and Windows). See the official rust documentation to know how to install it.

What's next?

We support the following platforms: Linux, Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android and WASM. Each one is unique and it has a different section in this document.

How to build from source code on Linux

We have tested Mozilla VPN on Ubuntu, Fedora, and Arch Linux but in this document, we focus on Ubuntu only.

  1. On Ubuntu, the compilation of MozillaVPN is relatively easy. In addition to what we wrote before, you also need the following dependencies:
  • libpolkit-gobject-1-dev >= 0.105
  • wireguard >= 1.0.20200513
  • wireguard-tools >= 1.0.20200513
  • resolvconf >= 1.82
  • golang >= 1.13
  • cmake >= 3.16
  1. Optional: In case you want to change the shaders, you must regenerate them:
  1. Create a build directory, and configure the project for building using cmake.
mkdir build && cmake -S . -B build

If you are using a build of Qt that was not installed by your operating system, you may need to tell cmake where it is located by specifying the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH during configuration:

mkdir build && cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<Qt install path>/lib/cmake/
  1. Compile the source code:
cmake --build build -j$(nproc)
  1. Installation:
sudo cmake --install build
  1. After the installation, you can run the app simply running:

Alternatively, you can use two terminals to run the daemon manually and separately e.g.

sudo mozillavpn linuxdaemon

mozillavpn linuxdaemon needs privileged access and so if you do not run as root, you will get an authentication prompt every time you try to reconnect the vpn.

How to build from source code on MacOS

  1. On MacOS, we compile the app using XCode version 12 or higher.

  2. We use qmake to generate the XCode project and then we "patch" it to add extra components such as the wireguard, the browser bridge and so on. We patch the XCode project using xcodeproj. To install it:

gem install xcodeproj # probably you want to run this command with `sudo`
  1. You also need to install go >= v1.16. If you don't have it done already, download go from the official website.

  2. Copy xcode.xconfig.template to xcode.xconfig

cp xcode.xconfig.template xcode.xconfig
  1. Modify xcode.xconfig to something like:
# MacOS configuration
APP_ID_MACOS = org.mozilla.macos.FirefoxVPN
LOGIN_ID_MACOS = org.mozilla.macos.FirefoxVPN.login-item

# IOS configuration
GROUP_ID_IOS = group.org.mozilla.ios.Guardian
APP_ID_IOS = org.mozilla.ios.FirefoxVPN
NETEXT_ID_IOS = org.mozilla.ios.FirefoxVPN.network-extension
  1. Generate the XCode project using our script:
./scripts/macos/apple_compile.sh macos

If qmake cannot be found in your $PATH, run this script using QT_MACOS_BIN env to set the path for the Qt6 macos build bin folder.

  1. Xcode should automatically open. You can then run/test/archive/ship the app. If you prefer to compile the app in command-line mode, use the following command:
xcodebuild build CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="" CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO -project "Mozilla VPN.xcodeproj"

The built up will show up in Release/Mozilla VPN.app (relative to the root of the repo).

Note: some developers have experienced that XCode reports that go isn't available and so you can't build the app and dependencies in XCode. In this case, a workaround is to symlink go into XCode directory as follows:

  • Make sure go is 1.16+: go version
  • Find the location of go binary which go example output /usr/local/go/bin/go
  • Symlink e.g.
sudo ln -s /usr/local/go/bin/go /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/go

This step needs to be executed each time XCode updates.

How to build from source code for iOS

Follow the same steps as for MacOS. When you are about to generate the XCode project, run this command instead:

./scripts/macos/apple_compile.sh ios

Add the Adjust SDK token with -a | --adjust <adjust_token>

How to build from source code for Android

  1. You need to install go >= v1.16. If you don't have it done already, download go from the official website.

  2. Follow the Getting started page.

  3. Build the apk

./scripts/android/package.sh </path/to/Qt6/> <debug|release>

Add the Adjust SDK token with -a | --adjust <adjust_token>

  1. The apk will be located in .tmp/src/android-build/build/outputs/apk/debug/android-build-debug.apk

  2. Install with adb on device/emulator

adb install .tmp/src/android-build/build/outputs/apk/debug/android-build-debug.apk

How to build from source code for Windows

For Windows, there are a few extra dependencies to install:

  1. perl: http://strawberryperl.com/
  2. nasm: https://www.nasm.us/
  3. visual studio 2019: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/
  4. OpenSSL: https://www.openssl.org/source/

We use a script to compile the app for windows and to generate the installer.


How to build from source code for WASM

Mozilla VPN can be used as a WASM module to test the UI, the localization and to simulate issues. Take a look at our WASM build here.

To build the app as a WASM module, you must install emscripten and Qt6 for wasm.

Read the following pages to know more:

When you are ready, use this script to generate the build:



  • Run the unit tests with ./scripts/tests/unit_tests.sh
  • Run the qml tests with ./scripts/tests/qml_tests.sh
  • Run the lottie tests with ./scripts/tests/lottie_tests.sh
  • Run the funcional tests (See below)

Running the functional tests

  • Install node (if needed) and then npm install to install the testing dependencies
  • Install geckodriver and ensure it's on your path. Docs
  • Make a .env file with:
  • MVPN_API_BASE_URL (where proxy runs, most likely http://localhost:5000)
  • MVPN_BIN (location of compiled mvpn binary)
  • ARTIFACT_DIR (directory to put screenshots from test failures)
  • (Optional) In one window run ./tests/proxy/wsgi.py --mock-devices
  • Run a test from the root of the project: ./scripts/tests/functional_tests.sh {test_file}.js. To run, say, the authentication tests: ./scripts/tests/functional_tests.sh tests/functional/testAuthentication.js.

Developer Options and staging environment

To enable the staging environment, open the Get Help window, and click on the Get Help text 6 times within 10 seconds to unlock the Developer Options menu. On this menu, you can enable on the Staging Server checkbox to switch to the staging environment. A full restart of the VPN will be required for this option to take effect.


The inspector is a debugging tool available only when the staging environment is activated. When running MozillaVPN, go to the inspector page to interact with the app. Connect the inspector to the app using the web-socket interface. On desktop, use ws://localhost:8765.

From the inspector, type help to see the list of available commands.


Glean is a Mozilla new product analytics & telemetry solution that provides a consistent experience and behavior across all of Mozilla products.

When the client is built in debug mode, pings will have the applicationId MozillaVPN-debug. Additionally, ping contents will be logged to the client logs and will also be sent to the glean debug viewer (login required) where they are retained for 3 weeks.

More info on debug view in glean docs.

When the client is in staging mode, but not debug mode, pings will have the applicationId MozillaVPN-staging which allows for filtering between staging and production pings.

A note on glean embedding

Qt only accepts major.minor versions for importing. So if, for example, you're embedding glean v0.21.2 then it will still, for Qt's purpose, be v0.21.

Working on tickets with new glean events

If you are responsible for a piece of work that adds new glean events you will need to do a data review for the new events. This is the recommended process along with some pointers on doing that.

The basic process is this:

  • work on your PR that adds glean events including updating glean/metrics.yaml (necessary for your code to compile)
  • in your metrics.yaml:
    • include a link to the github bug that describes the work
    • put TBD in the data_reviews entry
    • think about whether the data you are collecting is technical or interaction, sometimes it's both. in that case pick interaction which is a higher category of data. (more details https://wiki.mozilla.org/Data_Collection)
  • open a draft PR on github
  • file a bugzilla ticket for the data review (more info below)
  • update your PR with the id of the bugzilla bug in data data_reviews entry
  • once you have an r+ from data review, move your PR out of draft state.

It is ok for a reviewer to review and approve your code while you're waiting for data review.

It is not ok to merge a PR that contains a change to metrics.yaml without a datareview r+

Filing a bugzilla ticket for data review

The data review process is described here: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Data_Collection

In brief, specifically for VPN:

  • You need a bugzilla account. This is not an ldap service, but do use your ldap email address to sign-up for an account.
  • Make a new bug in Product: Mozilla, Component: General. Or clone an old data review bug e.g. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1770530
  • See the above bug, the ticket can be simple just a link to a bug and a PR and the attachment with the data review details (see below).
  • The trick to flagging this for data review is adding the attachment and setting the flag (data review ?), as described under "Step 1: Submit Request" on https://wiki.mozilla.org/Data_Collection
  • We usually use chutten for VPN data reviews
  • If you cannot see the flags in the attachment area (screenshot below) make sure "Show Advanced Fields" is checked

Filling out the data review details:

  • The data review questionnaire is here: https://github.com/mozilla/data-review/blob/main/request.md
  • It can seem quite intimidating, but don't panic. First, look at an old bug such as the one linked above. Many questions will always be the same for VPN data review bugs. There are four questions that require your attention and thought:
      1. What questions will you answer with this data?
      1. Why does Mozilla need to answer these questions? Are there benefits for users? Do we need this information to address product or business requirements?
      1. What alternative methods did you consider to answer these questions? Why were they not sufficient?
      1. Please provide a general description of how you will analyze this data.
  • If you don't know the answers to these questions, reach out to Sarah Bird or the product manager so you can answer these with full confidence.


Unit Tests QML Tests Lottie Tests Linters (clang, l10n) Linux Packages MacOS WebAssembly Windows iOS