
Test instances used in my papers about ranking linear assignment problems

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Test instances for the linear assignment problem

These files are provided on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind.

Test instances used in the articles:

  • A note on ranking assignments using reoptimization. C.R. Pedersen and L.R. Nielsen and K.A. Andersen, Department of Operations Research, University of Aarhus, WP-2005-2 (2005).
  • An algorithm for ranking assignments using reoptimization. Pedersen, C.R. and Nielsen, L.R. and Andersen, K.A. Computers and Operations Research, 35 (11), 3714-3726 (2008)

Folder beasley contain test instances of assignment problems on complete bipartite networks with n equal to 100, 200, ... or 800 and cost randomly drawn in {1,...,100}, taken from the OR-library http://people.brunel.ac.uk/~mastjjb/jeb/info.html

Folder pascoal contain the test instances provided in "A note on a new variant of Murty?s ranking assignments algorithm". M. Pascoal, M. E. Captivo, and J. Climaco. 4OR: Quarterly Journal of the Belgian, French and Italian Operations Research Societies, 1(3):243?255, (2003).

All the test instance is provided in a easily understandable xml format and may be converted to a desired format using a xslt stylesheet. Only the first criterion is used in the tests.