
The module : it allows you to load your own treatment in VLC

Primary LanguageC

VLC module for prototyping and benchmark of computer vision algorithms


On Linux with autotools :

libvlccore-dev, build-essential, automake, libtool being installed, type :

autoreconf -vfi

The created module is : src/.libs/librem_plugin.so


Place the module with the other VLC video-filter modules so that VLC recognizes
it (on Debian/Ubuntu : /usr/lib/vlc/plugins/video_filter).

In VLC :
 - Tools->Preferences(tick "All") -> Video -> Filters
 - Tick "Rem generic video filter"
 - Video -> Filters -> Rem, 3 parameters :
    - Treatment to be used : the shared library implementing the treatment
    - Interval : the number of frames over which the statistics are averaged
    - Type of input : the format passed to the treatment

To create your own treatment

See the other project called rem_algo that focuses on this part.

ANNEX. Shared libraries dependencies on Windows

If x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ is used, the created dll needs libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll
and libstdc++-6.dll. To force a static linkage of those dlls, the script
dll_independent can be used. The script "dll_dependent.sh" reverts the actions
of "dll_independent.sh".