
A (cross-platform) library for OPTAR.

Primary LanguageShell

OPTAR Library

This is a C++ implementation of OPTAR code that compiles into a library. It is setup with GNU Autotools and is designed to be built for mobile as well as desktop. Right now (as of January 2020) only Android platform has been tested and verified.

Clone repo with submodules:

git clone https://github.com/peetonn/optarLibrary --recursive


Build prerequisites

Before building optar library, prerequisites must be setup or built for the target platform. Depending on the platform, this process might get quite involved.


For building library for the Android, one need to setup Android ndk.


Get the latest version of OpenCV from here and extract archive into thirdparty folder


The process of building roscpp for Android is a lengthy one and following official tutorial does not help, as it is very outdated. The most recent Docker setup for roscpp that worked for this project dated April 2019 can be found here.

Follow these steps for roscpp Android crosscompilation (you'll need Docker):

git clone https://github.com/Intermodalics/ros_android
cd ros_android
./install.sh out

The build process may take couple hours to complete. Once finished, out folder will contains compiled binaries of static libs that need to be packaged into one static archive. To do that, navigate to optarLibrary/thirdparty and follow these steps:

cd <optarLibrary path>
cd thirdparty
mkdir -p roscpp/roscpp_android_ndk/jni
ln -s <ros_android path>/out/target/include roscpp/roscpp_android_ndk/include
ln -s <ros_android path>/out/target/lib roscpp/roscpp_android_ndk/lib
ln -s <ros_android path>/out/target/share roscpp/roscpp_android_ndk/share

Finally, inside roscpp/roscpp_android_ndk/jni folder, place this Android.mk file:

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

stlibs := xmlrpcpp Bullet3Geometry  boost_stacktrace_basic  diagnostic_aggregator  pcl_recognition  orocos-bfl  yaml-cpp  bz2  boost_math_tr1  charset  amcl_sensors  base_local_planner  theoraenc  vorbisfile  orocos-kdl  opencv_imgcodecs3  opencv_xobjdetect3  opencv_videoio3  SDLmain  tf2  boost_signals  image_publisher  SDL_image  image_proc  opencv_reg3  xml2  camera_calibration_parsers  move_base  boost_container  joint_state_listener  boost_context  bondcpp  boost_math_c99f  camera_info_manager  opencv_calib3d3  boost_math_c99l  navfn  tinyxml2  pcl_io_ply  boost_iostreams  opencv_xfeatures2d3  opencv_stereo3  urdfdom_world  boost_thread  eigen_conversions  boost_program_options  roslib  boost_coroutine  pcl_common  opencv_xphoto3  PocoNet  boost_timer  Bullet3Dynamics  opencv_ml3  boost_contract  ogg  opencv_plot3  collada-dom2.4-dp  tf  rosbag_storage  opencv_rgbd3  boost_type_erasure  interactive_markers  boost_log_setup  tinyxml  boost_atomic  flann_cpp_s-gd  pcl_search  laser_geometry  boost_random  pcl_ros_surface   boost_date_time  opencv_structured_light3  urdf  theora  opencv_optflow3  params  qhullcpp  uuid  pcl_surface  map_server_image_loader  rosconsole_backend_interface  urdfdom_model  LinearMath  tf2_ros  Bullet3OpenCL_clew  vorbisenc  pcl_features  pluginlib_tutorials  tf_conversions  opencv_fuzzy3  pcl_registration  opencv_saliency3  boost_test_exec_monitor  theoradec  boost_stacktrace_noop   opencv_img_hash3  opencv_ccalib3  boost_system  PocoUtild  opencv_tracking3  opencv_superres3  opencv_core3  lz4  opencv_surface_matching3  pointcloud_filters  roscpp_serialization  opencv_phase_unwrapping3  compressed_image_transport  compressed_depth_image_transport  move_slow_and_clear  PocoXML  assimp  pcl_kdtree  PocoJSON  opencv_aruco3  cpp_common console_bridge rosconsole_bridge pcl_ros_filters  opencv_ximgproc3  pcl_io  opencv_bgsegm3  boost_exception  pcl_sample_consensus  layers  Bullet3Collision  BulletCollision  robot_state_publisher_solver  opencv_imgproc3  depth_image_proc  rosbag  pcl_filters  stereo_image_proc  octomap  pcl_segmentation  opencv_video3  pcl_stereo  rosconsole_android  boost_math_c99  kdl_conversions  boost_prg_exec_monitor  opencv_dnn3  opencv_line_descriptor3  image_transport_plugins  amcl_map  opencv_objdetect3  pcl_octree  polled_camera  boost_math_tr1l  boost_math_tr1f  voxel_grid  flann_cpp_s  qhullstatic_r  actionlib  boost_wave  PocoUtil  opencv_bioinspired3  image_geometry  theora_image_transport  opencv_text3  kdl_parser  urdfdom_sensor  Bullet3Common  pcl_ros_tf  opencv_highgui3  costmap_2d  opencv_dpm3  Bullet2FileLoader  carrot_planner  nodeletlib  BulletSoftBody  pcl_keypoints  pcl_ros_segmentation  curl  opencv_features2d3  increment  mean  PocoXMLd  boost_log  cv_bridge  roscpp  rotate_recovery  opencv_photo3  SDL  pcl_ros_features  clear_costmap_recovery  opencv_datasets3  rospack  random_numbers  boost_graph  BulletDynamics  iconv  image_rotate  dynamic_reconfigure_config_init_mutex  image_transport  opencv_shape3  octomath  amcl_pf  opencv_flann3  nodelet_math  PocoJSONd  pcl_ros_io  median  rostime  boost_regex  trajectory_planner_ros  message_filters  opencv_videostab3  pcl_ml  PocoFoundationd  global_planner  roslz4  resource_retriever  boost_wserialization  rosconsole  pluginlib  boost_unit_test_framework  opencv_face3  octomap_ros  PocoFoundation  transfer_function  qhullstatic  laser_scan_filters  opencv_stitching3  class_loader  vorbis  urdfdom_model_state  boost_filesystem  geometric_shapes  boost_chrono  boost_serialization  PocoNetd  dwa_local_planner  topic_tools

define include_shlib
$(eval include $$(CLEAR_VARS))
$(eval LOCAL_MODULE := $(1))
$(eval LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $$(LOCAL_PATH)/../lib/lib$(1).so)
$(eval include $$(PREBUILT_SHARED_LIBRARY))
define include_stlib
$(eval include $$(CLEAR_VARS))
$(eval LOCAL_MODULE := $(1))
$(eval LOCAL_SRC_FILES := ../lib/lib$(1).a)
$(eval include $$(PREBUILT_STATIC_LIBRARY))

$(foreach stlib,$(stlibs),$(eval $(call include_stlib,$(stlib))))

include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE    := roscpp_android_ndk
LOCAL_EXPORT_CPPFLAGS := -fexceptions -frtti
LOCAL_CPP_FEATURES := exceptions
LOCAL_EXPORT_LDLIBS := $(foreach l,$(stlibs),-l$(l)) -L$(LOCAL_PATH)/../lib
LOCAL_EXPORT_LDLIBS += -L$(LOCAL_PATH)/../share/OpenCV-3.3.1-dev/3rdparty/lib -ltegra_hal
LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := $(stlibs) c++_static


Build library as:

cd roscpp/roscpp_android_ndk





brew install opencv spdlog



Build library


cd Android




