
plugin to make your typography better with Textr

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remark plugin to improve typography with Textr.


What is this?

This package is a unified (remark) plugin to support Textr.

When should I use this?

This project is useful if you want to automatically improve the text in your markdown documents. Textr is a simple way to do that: no need to worry about ASTs. On the other hand, ASTs are powerful, so some things are better done with custom plugins: see Create a plugin.


This package is ESM only. In Node.js (version 16+), install with npm:

npm install remark-textr

In Deno with esm.sh:

import remarkTextr from 'https://esm.sh/remark-textr@6'

In browsers with esm.sh:

<script type="module">
  import remarkTextr from 'https://esm.sh/remark-textr@6?bundle'


Say we have the following file example.md:

## spread operator...

function(...args) { return args; }

…and a module example.js:

 * @typedef {import('remark-textr').TextrPlugin} TextrPlugin

import {remark} from 'remark'
import remarkTextr from 'remark-textr'
import {read} from 'to-vfile'

const file = await remark()
  .use(remarkTextr, {plugins: [ellipses]})
  .process(await read('example.md'))


 * Replace triple dots with ellipses.
 * @type {TextrPlugin}
function ellipses(input) {
  return input.replace(/\.{3}/gim, '…')

…then running node example.js yields:

## spread operator…

function(...args) { return args; }


This package exports no identifiers. The default export is remarkTextr.

unified().use(remarkTextr[, options])

Improve typography with Textr.

  • options (Options, optional) — configuration

Transform (Transformer).


Configuration (TypeScript type).

  • options (object, optional) — configuration passed to textr; for example, you may want to set the ISO 639-1 locale code of the content, which is important for stuff like the correct primary and secondary quotes
  • plugins (Array<TextrPlugin | string>, optional) — textr plugins; if strings are passed in, those are loaded with import


Textr plugin (TypeScript type).

Textr plugins are available on npm labelled with a textr keyword. You can also create them yourself, as shown in the example above.

  • value (string) — value to transform
  • options (object) — global configuration passed to textr

Changed text (string, optional).


This package is fully typed with TypeScript. It exports the additional types Options and TextrPlugin.


Projects maintained by the unified collective are compatible with maintained versions of Node.js.

When we cut a new major release, we drop support for unmaintained versions of Node. This means we try to keep the current release line, remark-textr@^6, compatible with Node.js 16.

This plugin works with unified version 6+ and remark version 7+.


Use of remark-textr does not involve rehype (hast) or user content so there are no openings for cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. Textr operates on text nodes, which are always escaped by remark.


See contributing.md in remarkjs/.github for ways to get started. See support.md for ways to get help.

This project has a code of conduct. By interacting with this repository, organization, or community you agree to abide by its terms.


MIT © Denys Dovhan