don't know yet
- Scaffold React project with Vite
- Add TailwindCSS
- Add some basic eslint and prettier config
- Add some basic scripts for cleaning, rebuilding and restarting the project which I always re-use.
- Write readme
- add shadcn for ui components
- redux, redux toolkit, persist, sonner (toast) wouter(router)
- Add items to cart, persist state, remove from cart, allow max qty per item based on stock, mock a checkout view.
- tests, no time and little experience so would require too much time to implement. Also love to discuss some test thoughts as it's in my (and a lot of others) more often than not a waste of time. ! very much application dependent !)
- add some more tests
- add some more documentation
- feels like a hot mess, would like to refactor, clean up and modularize some things. checkout in a checkout feature for example, but the end results works, and looks decent.
I almost exclusively develop NextJS except for some corporate SaaS with separate back-end at my old jobs which were projects running on 10+ years. State management wise, I have little experience with Redux and prefer Zustand due to its minimal boilerplate. Regarding testing, little to no experience, although I know the libraries by name so we'll see how far I get.