
Shopping list Telegram Bot

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a shopping list Telegram Bot that I made to help me and my family manage grocery shopping. To deploy a similar bot using this code, follow these instructions:

  • Get an API token from BotFather on Telegram
  • git clone this repository
  • Go to the project's root and run export BOT_TOKEN={YOUR_API_TOKEN}
  • Run npm install to install dependencies
  • Run node src/SuperMercadoBot.js to start your bot



+ adds items to the list. To add potatoes, for example, say + potatoes. It works with item lists too, separated with commas. + potatoes, ketchup, rice.


- removes an item from the list. To remove potatoes, for example, say - potatoes. Current version does not support removing more than one item.

mostrar lista

mostrar lista gets the current shopping list.

apagar lista

apagar lista empties the current shopping list.

recuperar lista

recuperar lista prints the last emptied list. Should be used as a backup when a list is emptied without being supposed to.


Made with Nodejs using the Telegraf Framework, deployed to my Digital Ocean server using pm2.