
Fork of lilinitsy/flake for PRs

Primary LanguageNix



Update the configuration

  • Run nixos-rebuild build --flake . --print-build-logs to try building the configuration
  • Assuming it succeeds, run sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake . to switch to the configuration you built
    • If you skip the build step, it'll build it automatically
    • If you want it to take effect next boot (which you might, if you're making invasive changes), you can run sudo nixos-rebuild boot --flake .

Install a package system-wide

  • Go to home.nix and find the packages option (attribute) under the home section (attrset).
  • Find the package on https://search.nixos.org
  • Add it to the home.packages list with a pkgs. on front, e.g. pkgs.discord
  • If it's proprietary, you may need to mark the license as agreed-to
    • Find the list in the nixpkgs.config.allowUnfreePredicate setting in configuration.nix
    • Add the package name to there as a string, e.g. "discord"
    • (The error that you get from the next step will tell you the right name if you skip this step)
  • Do the "Update the configuration" steps above

Add a package to a flake devShell

(This doesn't apply to this repo, but it applies to some other projects set up with Nix+direnv.)

  • Go to the flake.nix for the project
  • Find the list of dependencies under nativeBuildInputs
  • Add the dependency there, starting with pkgs. (like above)

In more complicated projects, this might not apply, but in simple ones only using Nix to fetch development dependencies (rather than building the project itself using Nix), this should generally work