Test technique

Primary LanguageTypeScript

This was made for a technical test. The instruction are saved in test-technique-full/sujet.pdf.

How to install

The react-search-field package is a bit old, therefore you need: npm i --legacy-peer-deps

What has been done?

I made a full Youtube-like interface with:

  • a infinite-scroll feed
  • a top bar with a search field
  • a page for each video
  • a log-in system that blurs out videos when not connected

It benefits from the full Next.js technology:

  • the video feed is loading from an API route with a pagination system. The API returns static results as there is not a real video database, but I have shown how to use the page parameter.
  • different types of rendering methods have been used depending on the situation:
    • The video feed is using Client-Side Rendering for loading always-changing, user-specific content.
    • The search page and individual video page are using Server-Side Rendering for fast-rendered, cacheable content.
  • the login system is made with the NextAuth library:
    • provides numerous auth methods like the email-magic method.
    • is plugged to a database through Prisma ORM.
    • is plugged to an SMTP server through the nodemailer library.


  • the Next.js app is hosted on Vercel.
  • the PosgreSQL user database is hosted on Heroku.
  • the SMTP server is using the sendinblue service.