Serverless Example

Serverless-Example is a serverless module around some very elementary bricks.

What does this project demonstrate?

  • testget1 shows an elementary GET lambda endpoint: /development/examples/one?test=success
  • testget2 shows an elementary GET lambda endpoint with two variables as query string parameters: /development/examples/two?var1=another&var2=succcess
  • testget3 shows an elementary GET lambda endpoint with a variable as part of the URL : /development/examples/three/myobject/status
  • testpost1 shows an elementary POST lambda endpoint: /development/examples/four and payload:
    "var1" : "another",
    "var2" : "succcess"
  • testpost2 shows a combined POST lambda endpoint (one parameter (mykey) inside the url, the other (value) over the payload): /development/examples/five/mykey and payload:
    "value" : "myvalue",


Create a serverless project:

serverless project create

Change to your new serverless project root directory and run:

serverless module install
serverless function deploy -a
serverless endpoint deploy -a

Environment Variables

There is no need for environment variables.