The Eye In The Sky

Real time image processing from remote controlled drones

<h3>1/ Overview</h3>

This demo shows how MapR simplifies processing of real time events at scale.
It displays analytics about the number of people counted in real time from video streams.

Drones are controlled via WiFi.

<h3>2/ Architecture</h3>

The architecture can be split in 3 main functions :
- ingestion of the video streams
- processing of the video frames
- user interface

Each part uses differents python scripts than can be run on multiple nodes.

2-1/ Ingestion :
The pilot script has two roles :
- receiving the video stream from the drone and push the frames into the processing pipeline ("source" stream)
- reading the flight instructions from a stream ("positions" stream) and send them to the drones

It can be run in two modes :
- "live" mode : video streams are coming from drones
- "video" mode : video streams are played from recorded files

The pilot script is usually run on the cluster in "video" mode, and on one (or multiple) edge node in "live" mode.

2-2/ Processing : and
The dispatcher takes each frame from the "source" stream and send them to the first available processor.
Once the processor has finished, it pushes the processed images in a "processed" stream.

2-3/ User interface :
This script manages the web interface:
- sends the images to the UI
- get instructions to move the drones and pushes them to the "positions" stream

All the application settings are defined in the "" file.

<h3>3/ Recommended infrastructure</h3>

In "live" mode, this demo is typically run on a laptop using VMs
In "video" mode, it can be run anywhere.

This application has been developped on CentOS 7

Drones used are the Ryze Tello.

3-1/ Central cluster
Single VM is usually enough.
10GB RAM recommended.
50GB storage.
One NIC connected to the host network

3-2/ Edge nodes
10GB disk
Two NICs : one connected to the cluster, one bridged to a WiFi interface to connect the drone.

<h3>4/ Installation</h3>

Run as root !

4-1/ Central cluster

- MapR 6.1 cluster with DB and streams

Installation steps:
- go to your mapr FS root
- git clone
- mv e984339581c76ec6117de4ee341ae6f4 teits
- cd teits
- ./
- python
- source

Configure settings :
    - live : use with real drones. Run the script on the laptop connected to the drone
    - video : use without drones. Import the videos you want to stream into the data/recording folder as {{zone_name}}.mp4

4-1/ Edge node
- MapR client configured to access the main cluster

Installation steps:
- go to the project folder using global namespace
- source

<h3>5/ Run the application</h3>

5-1/ Launch the main application on the cluster

5-2/ Initial configuration of the drone environment
your drones will be able to move around based on your instructions.
Their movements are restricted to pre-defined zones.
These zones have to be created before running the demo :
- Access the zone editor : {{cluster_ip}}/edit
- Create and position the zones for the drones


5-3/ Connect each edge VM to a drone and launch the pilot
python drone_N (ie. python drone_1)

<h3> Interactive piloting </h3>
You can remote control the drone using the keyboard.
Default control keys are the following (using azerty keyboard):
- Access the zone editor : {{cluster_ip}}/edit
- Create and position the zones for the drones
- "forward" : 'z'
- "backward" : 's'
- "left" : 'q'
- "right" : 'd'
- "up" : 'ArrowUp'
- "down" : 'ArrowDown'
- "clockwise" : 'ArrowRight'
- "counter_clockwise" : 'ArrowLeft'
- "flip" : 'f'
- "takeoff" : 'Tab'
- "land" : 'Backspace'

You can change the control keys in the settings file.

the script is recommended to run if you have to relaunch the script.
it kills all previous instances.