
Advent of Code solutions in Nim

Primary LanguageNim


Advent of Code in Nim

My goal is to build self-contained solutions (no external libs) using clean and concise code.

Running scripts

All code compiles with the current (>= v1.6) Nim compiler, for example: nim c -r d01.

To run the solutions:

  • years 2019-2021 just run dXX, which will read data file from input folder.
  • years from 2022 feed input to stdin, e.g. dXX < input/dXX.txt, or use the helper script.
  • to use data from clipboard: pbpaste --lf | dXX

Helper script to download puzzles/input data and run/test solutions:

bin/aoc command [day] [year]

Available commands (for the given day/year):

  • p, puzzle - downloads the puzzle
  • i, input - downloads the input data file
  • t, template - copies the template as placeholder
  • a, all - runs all 3 above commands
  • r, run - compile and run the script
  • x, check - compile and run the scipt, check is answers match saved data

Day and year are optional, default to current. Download commands need the session.txt file to be present.


bin/aoc is a helper tool to download puzzles & inputs, prepare template. AoC session cookie is expected to be saved in the file session.txt (just the value). Puzzle parsing depends on the html2md tool.

Sub-folders for each year contain:

  • puzzles - description of AoC puzzles
  • inputs - (my personal) input data
  • answers - (my personal) solution answers
  • solutions code