
Build, display, and solve algebraic equations.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Copyright 2024 binary poetry gmbh

Licensed under MIT License Build status Current version Coverage Status

algebra.ts lets you build, display and solve algebraic equations in TypeScript and JavaScript.

It's a fork of algebra.js created by Nicole White and you can find the original copyright and license file in LICENSE_algebra-js.

Quick Start

This section gives a brief example on how to use the library. The library is assumed to be in the same directory as the HTML page containing the snippet. Alternatively you could load the library via a content delivery network (CDN), for example https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/algebra.ts@0.3.0/dist/algebra-0.3.0.umd.js.

Please refer to the full documentation for further information and live examples.

Using ES Modules

<script type="module">
  import { Expression, Equation } from "algebra-x.y.z.esm.min.js"

  const expr = new Expression("x")
  expr = expr.subtract(3)
  expr = expr.add("x")
  console.log(String(expr)) // 2x - 3

  const eq = new Equation(expr, 4)
  console.log(String(eq)) // 2x - 3 = 4

  const x = eq.solveFor("x")
  console.log("x = " + String(x)) // x = 7/2

Using the UMD version

<script src="algebra-x.y.z.umd.min.js"></script>

  const expr = new algebra.Expression("x")
  expr = expr.subtract(3)
  expr = expr.add("x")
  console.log(String(expr)) // 2x - 3

  const eq = new algebra.Equation(expr, 4)
  console.log(String(eq)) // 2x - 3 = 4

  const x = eq.solveFor("x")
  console.log("x = " + String(x)) // x = 7/2


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