#HitTesting jQuery plugin
This plugin allow to test dom objects collision and coordinates hitTest. The collision detection works on mobile and on desktop. It manage image and canvas transparency on rencent web browsers.
The transparency is manage on canvas elements compatible web browsers. (on old web browsers, the tests are done on rectangular areas)
For live examples and more explanations visit : http://e-smartdev.com/#!jsPluginList/hittestJQuery
This function find if one dom jQuery object is under given coordinates.
$('#domElementIdToTest').hitTestPoint({"x":positionX,"y":positionY, "transparency":true});
If the point ({x:positionX, y:positionY}) hitTest with id="domElementIdToTest" object then the function return "true", otherwise "false". (in this example, pixel transparency is manage)
This function find if one jQuery dom object hitTest with another one.
$('#domElementIdToTest').objectHitTest({"object":$("$domElementToHitTestWith"), "transparency":true});
If the id="domElementToHitTestWith" object hitTest with id="domElementIdToTest" object, then the function return "true", otherwise "false". (in this example pixel transparency is manage)
##Rectangle class
This class allow to create a graphical rectangle. The functions of this class allow to manage several graphical tests on rectangle shapes.
Create a rectangle instance:
var rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100); /* (x:'rectX',
You could access the rectangle properties like this:
console.log("x : "+rectangle.x+
", y : "+rectangle.y+
", width : "+rectangle.width+
", height : "+rectangle.height).
rectContainsPoint(pointX, pointY):Boolean // Determines if the rectangle contains the given point
intersects(rect):Boolean // Determines if the rectangle intersect with the given rectangle
intersection(rect):Rectangle // Determines the intersection between the two rectangles
This function return a rectangle containing the jQuery object coordinates.
var rectangle = $('#domElementId').getRect();
This function call create a rectangle containing the (id="domElementId") jQuery object globals coordinates.