
Primary LanguageJavaScript


# Binge

Binge is a website that combines elements of IMDB and social media to create a platform where users can rate, comment, review, discuss movies, and share their opinions. Users can also add movies to their watched list, watchlist, and favorites. The website incorporates features such as pagination, lazy loading, community chat, and email verification. It also includes an admin panel for managing users, posts, reports, and monitoring activities.

Live Site

You can access the live site at https://binge-chat.netlify.app/.

Demo Account

To explore the website, you can use the following dummy account:

Technologies Used

  • Front-end:

    • React.js
    • Redux for state management
    • React Router for navigation
    • Firebase to store images
    • Firestore for realtime chat
    • Socket.io for real-time updates
    • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Back-end:

    • Node.js and Express.js
    • MongoDB for the database
    • Mongoose for object modeling
    • Socket.io for real-time communication

Project Structure

The project follows a directory structure with separate directories for the client, admin, and server.

  • client: Contains the front-end code for the user-facing website.
  • admin: Contains the front-end code for the admin panel.
  • server: Contains the back-end API code.

Local Development

To run the project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/Muhsin-42/BingeIt.git
  2. Install Dependencies

     cd client
     npm install
     cd ../admin
     npm install
     cd ../server
     npm install
  3. create .env at server with variables

  • PORT: Port on which the server runs.
  • MONGO_URL: URI of the MongoDB database.
  • JWT_SECRET_KEY: Secret key used for JWT authentication.
  • BASE_URL: Url on which Client is running.
  • HOST: Host address for the email service provider.
  • SERVICE: Email service provider (e.g., 'gmail', 'yahoo', etc.)
  • EMAIL_PORT: Port number for the email service
  • SECURE: Whether the email service uses a secure connection (e.g., 'true' or 'false')
  • USER: Email address from which verification emails will be sent
  • PASS: Password for the email account
  1. create .env at client and admin
  • VITE_SERVER_BASE_URL: Base URL of the server.
  1. start server
     cd server
     npm start
  2. start client and admin
     cd client
     npm run dev
     cd ../admin
     npm run dev