
Connecting to HTTPS with client SSL certificate

Primary LanguageElixir


Testing usage of HTTPoison with client SSL certificate for HTTPS requests.

Since this code shows how to use client, you will also need a server. Same configuration (ports, certificates) are also used here: https://github.com/remiq/nginx-ssl-client

To see how to use HTTPoison > Hackney > SSL options, check: test/elixir_ssl_client_test.exs

HTTPoison.get "https://localhost:8443/", [], [ # HTTPoison options
    hackney: [ # :hackney options
        ssl_options: [ # :ssl options
            cacertfile: "certs/ca.crt", # CA certificate used to validate server cert; path(), "string" is ok
            certfile: "certs/client.crt", # client certificate, signed by CA; path(), "string" is ok
            keyfile: "certs/client.key", # private key for client.crt; path(). "string" is ok
            password: 'test' # password for keyfile; string(), "string" not ok, use 'char list'


While cert paths can be supplied as "strings", password to keyfile needs to be supplied as 'char list'. Otherwise you will encounter cryptic error:

{:error, %HTTPoison.Error{id: nil, reason: {:options, {:password, "your-password-here"}}}}