
:eyes: Animation library, using Core Animation. Designed for iOS.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Anim allows you to use animations very easily. You can use it in your UIKit application for make smooth animations, using Swift.


  • Position (CGPoint)
  • Bounce effect
  • Resize (CGSize)
  • Rotation
  • Rotation X
  • Rotation Y
  • Rotation Z
  • Fade
  • Border raduis
  • Move circle
  • Animations sequence
  • Repeat animations
  • Block completion

How to use it

You can use Anim with all Layers (UIButton, UItableViewCell, UItextField, UIView, ...). Anim provides a extension for CALayer, for use animation:

let animation = Animation.movePosition(CGPointMake(30, 30), delay: 1.5)

You can use the block completion for link animation

let resizeAnimation = Animation.resize(CGSizeMake(30, 30), delay: 1.5)
let bounceAnimation = Animation.bounce(30, delay: 0.1)

self.myView.layer.runAnimation(resizeAnimation, blockCompletion: { () -> () in

You can also use sequence of animations. All animations in a sequence will be executed one after the other.

let sequenceAnimation = Animation.sequenceAnimations([Animation.resize(CGSizeMake(30, 30), delay: 1.5),
                                                      Animation.bounce(30, delay: 0.1)])


Now there is the repeat animation method. For infinite or count animation.

let move = Animation.sequenceAnimations([Animation.movePosition(CGPointMake(10, 10), delay: 1.5),
                                         Animation.movePosition(CGPointMake(30, 30), delay: 1.5)])
let bounce = Animation.bounce(30, delay: 0.1)
let repeatBouceForEver = Animation.repeatAnimations(Repeat.Infinity, animationParam: bounce)
let repeatMove = Animation.repeatAnimations(Repeat.Count(10), animationParam: move)


For remove all current animation:



Here are some example of use:

let animationStart = Animation.sequenceAnimations([Animation.resizeFrame(CGSizeMake(300, 300), delay: 2), Animation.rotationX(-0.85, delay: 2)])

o.layer.runAnimation(animationStart, blockCompletion: { () -> () in
  self.l.layer.runAnimation(Animation.movePosition(CGPointMake(100, 100), delay: 2))
  self.l.layer.runAnimation(Animation.resizeFrame(CGSizeMake(100, 100), delay: 2), blockCompletion: { () -> () in

    self.l2.layer.runAnimation(Animation.movePosition(CGPointMake(110, 110), delay: 2))
    self.l2.layer.runAnimation(Animation.resizeFrame(CGSizeMake(80, 80), delay: 2), blockCompletion: { () -> () in

      self.l3.layer.runAnimation(Animation.movePosition(CGPointMake(120, 120), delay: 2))
      self.l3.layer.runAnimation(Animation.resizeFrame(CGSizeMake(60, 60), delay: 2), blockCompletion: { () -> () in
        o.layer.runAnimation(Animation.rotationX(0.85, delay: 2), blockCompletion: { () -> () in

let a = Animation.repeatAnimations(Repeat.Count(3), animationParam: Animation.moveCircle(CGRectMake(0, 100, 200, 200), delay: 1))
let a2 = Animation.repeatAnimations(Repeat.Count(3), animationParam: Animation.moveCircle(CGRectMake(0, 100, 200, 200), delay: 1.5))
let a3 = Animation.repeatAnimations(Repeat.Count(3), animationParam: Animation.moveCircle(CGRectMake(0, 100, 200, 200), delay: 2))


self.myImageView.layer.runAnimation(Animation.rotationY(Float(M_PI) * 4, delay: 2), blockCompletion: { () -> () in
  self.myImageView.layer.runAnimation(Animation.bounce(60, delay: 0.1))
  self.myImageView.image = UIImage(named: "otherImage")


Rémi ROBERT, remirobert33530@gmail.com


Anim is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.