
Iterative solvers with MPI parallelization

Primary LanguageC

MPI benchmark solver

C/MPI parallelization of the heat equation with source term:

du/dt - div(grad(u)) = f

with benchmark functions:

u(x,y) = cos(a*x)*sin(b*y), f = (a^2+b^2)*u (steady state equation = Poisson's equation, solved with Jacobi method)


u(x,y,t) = cos(a*x)*sin(b*y)*exp(-c*t), f = (a^2+b^2-c)*u (Heat equation, solved with Euler explicit method)


mpicc MPI_benchmark_solver.c -o MPI_benchmark_solver && mpirun -np N MPI_benchmark_solver

with N = 1+2\*R+2\*C, R = 1,2,..., C = 0,1,2,...