
Best practice project for Angular Frontend and Symfony Backend

Primary LanguageTypeScript



  • authentication via JWT, login, logout, session expiration support
  • angular production builds delivered by symfony (with proper caching)
  • all data exchange between server and frontend uses Twirp and Protocol buffers
  • automatic formatting of exceptions for angular client (stack traces if symfony debug = true)
  • each request is tagged with a unique id, id is logged with every log record, delivered to client


# Clone with SSH
git clone git@github.com:ducrot/starter-angular-symfony.git my-project
# Clone with HTTPS
git clone https://github.com/ducrot/starter-angular-symfony.git my-project
cd my-project
make install

Protobuf and twirp

For exchanging data between server and frontend, Twirp is used. It is a very simple protocol based on HTTP/1 that serializes all data using protobuf. See protos/ directory for the message and service definitions.

For the first installation and after adding or changing a .proto file, run make generate to generate Typescript and PHP code.

You need the protobuf compiler protoc for that. Run brew install protobuf or sudo port install protobuf3-cpp or download a release for your OS here and follow the installation instructions.

This will write PHP files to symfony/src-pb and typescript files to angular/src/pb.

To add a new service:

  • Create the service in a new .proto file in the /protos/ directory.
  • Run make generate.
  • A PHP interface for your service has been created in symfony/src-pb.
  • Create a new class in symfony/services/<your-service-name>.php and implement the generated interface with your logic.
  • Register your service implementation in TwirpController::MAPPINGS.
  • Register the (autogenerated) Typescript client in an angular module of your choice. See shared.module.ts for examples.


The symfony part is located in the symfony directory.

Run composer install to install dependencies.

To install the symfony command (standard for symfony v5), run the following command:

curl -sS https://get.symfony.com/cli/installer | bash

You can start a symfony development server using:

cd symfony
symfony server:start

Set database credentials in .env.local and create database tables/schema:

symfony console doctrine:database:create
symfony console doctrine:schema:create
symfony console doctrine:schema:validate

Create a first admin account. Additional users can be created in the application.

symfony console backend:createadmin testuser@domain.tld 'A#Very$ecretPwd'

Or import fixtures which will be generated with Alice and Faker.

symfony console hautelook:fixtures:load


The angular part is located in the angular directory.

The project was tested with node v16.x and yarn v1.x.

Run yarn install to install dependencies.

To start a development server, run the following command:

cd angular
node_modules/.bin/ng serve

If your have the angular CLI globally installed, you can simply run ng serve.

Tailwind CSS

The utility-first CSS framework Tailwind CSS is configured out of the box.

To view all possible classes in your brwoser start the Tailwind Config Viewer with yarn run tailwind-config-viewer.

Production builds

Make angular production build:

node_modules/.bin/ng build --prod --deleteOutputPath=false

Production builds are automatically delivered by symfony. See FrontendController.php.


# run all tests of the application
php bin/phpunit

# Run all tests in the Foo/ directory
php bin/phpunit tests/Foo

# Run all tests in the Foo class 
php bin/phpunit tests/Foo/FooTest.php
