
Sample code for Texas Instruments LaunchPads & Microsoft Azure End to End IoT Proof of Concept

Primary LanguageC

IoT Readme

This repository contains code and other resources for the Azure End to End IoT Proof of Concept found at this website - http://www.azurelaunchpad.net/

Instructions on setting up the IoT example in your own environment can be found on the wiki here - https://github.com/remixed123/IoT/wiki

Azure Folder Contents

  • C# example code for web based examples.

LaunchPads Folder Contents

  • CC3200_Azure - Code Composure Studio Project, with code written in c for the CC3200.
  • MSP432_Azure - Code Composure Studio Project, with code written in c for the MSP432 + CC3100.

Misc Folder Contents

  • Architectural diagram.

Security Folder Contents

  • sastokengenerate - Windows Forms Application Project written in C#. This will generate a SAS Token
  • Root Certificate Authority for Azure Services.