
Contains LightServer application binary and html pages.

LightServer Resources

  • LightServerBoost.zip - LightServer Booster Pack Gerber Files. Zipped and ready to use with Seed Studio's Fusion PCB - http://www.seeedstudio.com/service/index.php?r=pcb
  • LightServerBOM.txt - LightServer Booster Pack Bill Of Materials
  • LightServerBoostEagle - LightServer Booster Pack Eagle Board and Schematic and Library files
  • LightServerWeb - HTML Web Pages and other resources used by LightServers internal web server to allow control via any web browser
  • LightServer_Tiva_C_CC3100b.bin - LightServer Application Binary

Details on using these resources through the setup and installation process can be found on the LightServer Wiki - https://github.com/remixed123/LightServer_Resources/wiki