A one-week group project developed after classes at <Academia_de_Código_> with three other colleagues.
// The Idea
Inspired by well-know life simulation games such as Tamagotchi, we decided to emulate the daily-life of a real programmer, as he/she tries to survive by balancing the work activity required to earn money in contemporary society with the physiological needs of a regular human being: staying healthy, filling the stomach and getting some sleep.
All game actions are keyboard controlled: "q" for wealth actions; "w" for working actions; "e" for eating actions; "e" for sleeping actions". Upon accessing each action menu, the user can choose among a range of options by pressing the given number key.
// The Development
The only requirement for this project was to create a game with the tools given to us, with our recent found(or built) skills in java coding. After a few hours of brainstorming both the concept and the Classes diagram, we split tasks and began coding.
The project went through more than one redesign, resulting in a vastly different product from what was initially planned.
// My Role
My tasks were essentially related with developing the action menus: coming up with different kinds of options and giving a description of each. I also provided some Git hints to my fellow three other code cadets. Last but not the least: I helped the team to get together and hence to overcome the disputes that were threathening the launch of a minimum viable product.
// Tech && Methodologies Java, IntelliJ, Linux, Mac Os, Windows, Simple Gfx, Ant, Photoshop, Git