Senior Technical Writer at Opplane. Past: Junior Full Stack developer @ Cult Of Bits. PhD in Communication Sciences (ISCTE-IUL).
OpplaneOdivelas, Portugal
Pinned Repositories
A web app developed in 24 hours for Academia de Código's hackathon that took place one week before the end of the bootcamp.
Taking inspiration from the classic Bulletin Board System's (BBSs), we developed two command-line based applications: one for the client and another for the server. The aim of the project was to emulate the functioning of a BBS forum that took advantage of the networking and concurrency features of the Java programming language.
Application that reads a text file and generates another file which encodes the original one by generating errors in the bytes it contains. This is done by way of bitwise and bit-shift operations.
Solutions developed by me to most of the programming challenges included in JetBrains Academy/Hyperskill's Java Developer track.
A recreation of the iOS calculator with the ability to: Clear the data stored on it and start from zero; Delete the last digit typed.
A Java-based project for the command-line that allows you to discover new music by interacting with Spotify's API.
A Java text-based program that lets you find your most loved ones' telephone numbers through a phonebook according to their names.
Text-based project developed in Java that let's you interact with a simple banking system by way of a relational database implemented with the help of JDBC and SQLite. All the clients' data is stored in the database.
A virtual emulation of a real piano made with JavaScript, CSS3 and HTML5. Originally based on a HyperSkill project ( within its Web Developer track.
My solutions to the exercises of the online course on Web server programming in Java (2021) organized by the University of Helsinki. The course teaches the principles of web applications and basic skills in developing web applications in Java.
remixtures's Repositories
A single player version of TicTac-Toe, also known as Noughts and crosses or Xs and Os. Developer as part of JetBrains Academy's Java Developer Curriculum.
AI version of TicTacToe developed as a HyperSkill project. The project implements Minimax, a brute force algorithm that maximizes the value of the own position and minimizes the value of the opponent's position.
A coffee machine simulator. The machine works with typical products: coffee, milk, sugar, and plastic cups. If it runs out of something, it shows a notification. You can get three types of coffee: espresso, cappuccino and latte.
A simple console chat bot that let's you play some word and number games. A project developed for the Java Developer HyperSkill Curriculum.