
Allows you to internationalize your routing

Primary LanguagePHP

Build Status

Full prefix per locale

That bundle allows you to configure host+prefix per locale.

For the following websites:

Minimum configuration

The configuration will be:

# config/packages/jms_i18n_routing.yaml
        en: //www.website.com
        de: //www.website.de
        fr_BE: //www.website.be/fr
        nl_BE: //www.website.be/nl

Translation configuration

To translate the route named "contact_page" in german :

# translations/routes.de.yml
contact_page: /kontakt

Thus the route named contact_page will be used when calling:

Optional configuration

To disable i18n feature for specific route: @Route("/api", options={"i18n"=false}) or

# app/config/routing.yaml
    options: { i18n: false }

To enable the routes only for a subset of locales: @Route("/about", options={"i18n_locales"={"en", "de"}}) Thoses locales must be configured in jms_i18n_routing.locales


Download the Bundle

composer req remmel/i18n-routing-bundle

Enable the Bundle - For applications that don't use Symfony Flex :

// config/bundles.php

return [
    // ...
    JMS\I18nRoutingBundle\JMSI18nRoutingBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Create configuration

Simple configuration with 2 "folders" :

# config/packages/jms_i18n_routing.yaml
        en: /eng
        de: /deu

When updating that config, it might be needed to clear cache: bin/console cache:clear
Check that configuration is fine running bin/console debug:router

Symfony demo app

Full Symfony application example

JMSI18nRoutingBundle vs Symfony i18n routing vs that extension


That code is based on JMSI18nRoutingBundle.
That fork has been simplified to only keep the code related to the prefix/host per locale.


Symfony 4.1 now handle the translation of route and the prefix. Symfony 5.1 now handle the different host per locale. Thus, that extension is usefull if you want to externalize route translations (eg in routes.xx.yml).
That bundle will be useless when that feature will be implemented and translations externalized in routes.??.yml files.