First clone the repo and the submodules:
git clone --recursive
The code depends on the graphnn library, which can be found here:
Under the current project folder, build the graphnn library as instructed in the above link.
cd Variational-Reasoning-Networks/graphnn
Make modifications to the make_common file, such that it can correctly locate your cuda-8 library, and intel MKL and intel TBB libraries.
cp make_common.example make_common
Then build the graphnn library:
make -j
To build the code for text based question answering, do the following:
cd Variational-Reasoning-Networks/code_qa_txt
Make modifications to the Makefile, if necessary
cp Makefile.example Makefile
Then build everything:
make -j
First download the data from
Then link the root data folder into the top level folder of the project.
cd Variational-Reasoning-Networks
ln -s path/to/your/data metaQA
Below we illustrate with the text based question answering. First navigate to the root code folder:
cd Variational-Reasoning-Networks/code_qa_txt
We first use 5% of the labeled data to train the posterior inference model, as well as knowledge graph reasoning model.
You can make edits to the script, so as to train with different datasets (vanilla or ntm) and different # hops (1, 2 or 3) for reasoning.
Then we load the pretrained model dump, and use REINFORCE with variance reduction to jointly train the model.
Typically ~1000 iterations are enough for the pretraining.
The script
is used to visualize the learned inference logic, where
can be used to inspect the topic entity recognition model. In some settings (like ntm with 1-hop reasoning), the jointly learned model can further improve the entity recognition performance after pretraining with 5% data.
If you find the code or data is useful, please cite our work:
title={Variational reasoning for question answering with knowledge graph},
author={Zhang, Yuyu and Dai, Hanjun and Kozareva, Zornitsa and Smola, Alexander J and Song, Le},
booktitle={Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},