color-palette is a command line tool that uses phantomjs and color-thief to get a color palette from a website or an image. Any resource that can be opened in phantomjs can be used.
Install the command line tool globally by running:
npm install -g color-palette
Usage: color-palette [options] <resource>
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --version output the version number
-s, --size <size> the target size of the color palette (might return +/- 2)
-q, --quality <quality> the quality of the colors (0 is highest, 10 is default)
-i, --image add image to output
-o, --output [type] specify the output type: text, json, or html
Get a color palette for
$ color-palette
Success: true
Dominant Color: #2d2f2e
Palette: #dcd7d2,#2b2b2b,#2a5fe3,#d94835,#30a28f,#7a7a7a,#049451
Get a color palette for, output should be in json format
$ color-palette -o json
"resource": "",
"uri": "",
"success": true,
"dominantColor": "#253a4f",
"palette": [
Get an html report for and open it
$ color-palette -o html > output.html & open output.html
# alternative version if you're using OSX w/ homebrew `brew install browser`:
$ color-palette -o html > output.html | browser
Get a color palette for, include a screenshot in the json output
color-palette -i -j > output.json
NOTE: when including the image switch, the output is very large due to the base64 encoded image data uri
- Color Thief - This is the library that I use to get palette information in the color-palette cli.
- Pictaculous - Upload an image and get it's palatte. They provide a free api as well. At some point I might integrate this API into the color-palette cli.
- url2png - An API for taking screenshots of websites. Currently, I'm using phantomjs for taking screenshots, but combining the url2png and pictaculous APIs would be an alternative to using color-palette.
Copyright (c) 2014 skratchdot
Licensed under the MIT license.