Code for SPIBB-DQN and Soft-SPIBB-DQN

Primary LanguagePython


This repo contains implementations of SPIBB-DQN and Soft-SPIBB-DQN, plus the DQN and RaMDP baselines. The code is implemented in Python 3 and requires PyTorch.


To generate a dataset for the helicopter environment, run:

python baseline.py baseline/helicopter_env/ weights.pt --generate_dataset --dataset_size 1000

where baseline/helicopter_env/ is the path to the baseline and weights.pt is the baseline filename. The dataset will be generated in baseline/helicopter_env/dataset by default. We have provided the baseline used in our experiment in baseline/helicopter_env. To train a new one, define the training parameters in a yaml file e.g. config and run:

ipython train.py -- --domain helicopter --config config

To train a policy on that dataset, define the training parameters in a yaml file e.g. config_batch (in particular, that file should contain the path to the baseline and dataset to use) and then run:

ipython train.py -- -o batch True --config config_batch

To specify different learning types or parameters, either change the config_batch file or pass options to the command line, e.g. --options learning_type ramdp, or --options minimum_count 5 (see the file config_batch.yaml for the existing options). In particular, the learning_type parameter can be regular (ie DQN), pi_b (ie SPIBB-DQN), soft_sort (ie Soft-SPIBB-DQN) or ramdp.

Results for the run will be saved in the dataset folder, in a csv file named {algo_runid_parameter}.

We also provide a baseline for CartPole, use the following commands to train on that environment:

python baseline.py baseline/cartpole_env/ weights.pt --generate_dataset --dataset_size 1000

ipython train.py -- -o batch True --config config_batch_cartpole --domain gym.


Please use the following bibtex entry if you use this code for SPIBB:

    title={Safe Policy Improvement with Baseline Bootstrapping},
    author={Laroche, Romain and Trichelair, Paul and Tachet des Combes, R\'emi},
    booktitle={Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)},

Please use the following bibtex entry if you use this code for Soft-SPIBB:

    title={Safe Policy Improvement with Soft Baseline Bootstrapping},
    author={Nadjahi, Kimia and Laroche, Romain and Tachet des Combes, R\'emi},
    booktitle={Proceedings of the 2019 European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD)},