- 0
Posterior probabilities in the form [1.]
#15 opened by yleniarotalinti - 0
PyPi API Documentation hyperlink not working
#13 opened by nhattan417 - 5
predict_proba bug
#11 opened by elielberra - 3
fit prints array of integers
#6 opened by carlosgmartin - 1
Can't open documentation
#9 opened by aulia-adil - 1
Integrating GMM
#10 opened by pkhokhlov - 0
Question about code 268-278, p and t probability calculated by different NB and logic for normalizing them
#7 opened by TobyCello - 1
meaning for feature distributions
#2 opened by Sandy4321 - 1
Sklearn interface
#5 opened by vesely-david - 1
Bug report - priors validation
#3 opened by vesely-david