Hydra Migrator

A tool that assists the migration of a Wrench tool to a Hydra client.

How it works

  • acorn.parse to build an AST from a javascript file
  • acorn.walk to gather all ImportStatements and require statements
  • resolve magic imports with alternatePaths (ie: _shared)
  • recurse down the tree and mark visited node
  • copy all used files to a destination directory

Run the migrator

node index.js

Step-By-Step Guide

For a Step-by-step guide of converting your tool, please follow the hydra migration guide.

Configure the file resolver

alternatePaths and extensions are used by the resolver to generate possible paths packages is a list black-listed imports that your resolver skips over. By default, it is set to your package.json's dependencies entry.

Cleanup your files

  • No more require.ensure
  • process.env can't be destructured
// Breaks - 2 args
const {
 NODE_ENV = 'development',
 BASE_URL = 'www',
} = process.env;

// Works - 1 args
const {
 NODE_ENV = 'development',
} = process.env;

// Best - 1 args
const NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV;
const BASE_ENV = process.env.BASE_ENV;


======== test problem resolution

  • Removed all mocha imports
  • had to change this import to make the test pass
// src/tools/budgetViewer/apis/columnDefinitions/sourceDefinitions.js
// src/tools/budgetViewer/components/shared/__tests__/sourceColumnDisplayFormatter.js
import sF from '../sourceColumnDisplayFormatter';
const {
} = sF;```

// need mocha preset
 yarn add --dev neutrino-preset-mocha