Eliom ------------------------------------------------------------------ Requirements: ============= Compilers: * ocaml and camlp4 (need version >= 4.0) * js_of_ocaml (need version >= 2.2, with deriving support) * a C compiler (tested with gcc-4.4.5) Libraries: * findlib * ocsigenserver (need version >= 2.4) * tyxml (need version >= 3) * react (need version >= 0.9.3) * deriving (need version >= 0.6) See: https://github.com/ocsigen/deriving * ocamlssl (tested with 0.4.6) * calendar (tested with 2.03.1) * optcomp * ipaddr (need version >= 2.1) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Build instructions: =================== We recommand to use the opam package manager to install Eliom. If you want to compile manually: * run "make" to compile * run "make PREFIX=yourprefix install" as root to install * run "make PREFIX=yourprefix uninstall" to uninstall everything ------------------------------------------------------------------ Local testings: =============== * install eliom * run "make run.local" of "make run.opt.local" in the ocsigen source directory. * open http://localhost:8080/miniwiki in your browser * if it does not work, look at the logs (see 'local/var/log/' in the ocsgigen source directory) or run ocsigen with options -v or -V (verbose and debug mode). * sources for this example may be found in the directory 'tests/miniwiki'. For a full tutorial, see: http://ocsigen.org/tutorial For testsuite, see: http://localhost:8080/ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Authors: ======== Vincent Balat J�r�me Vouillon Gr�goire Henry Pierre Chambart Benedikt Becker Boris Yakobowski Hugo Heuzard Rapha�l Proust St�phane Glondu Gabriel Kerneis Denis Berthod Jaap Boender Simon Castellan Mauricio Fernandez Archibald Pontier Simon Castellan Jacques-Pascal Deplaix