
  • python 3.8
  • pipenv

How to run mocked server:

Install dependencies: pipenv install

Run mocked server backend with: pipenv run python

Use either postman or curl or any other method to do calls against the server.

How to run tests:

pipenv run pytest -s

Note: Tests don't do proper cleanup. Whenever they need rerunning, the server should also be restarted. This is usually avoided in containerized environments.

Server description:

Alt text

Switches from one state/view to another



Returns a randomized "token" every time the correct password is used. The token should then be used in all other calls, or the response will be 401.

POST /login
        username: string,
        password: string

returns a list of items paginated/sorted/filtered

All of these are done under the dashboard view:

GET /items
GET /items?page=1
GET /items?page=1&pageSize=50
GET /items?page=1&pageSize=50&sortBy=date
GET /items?page=1&pageSize=50&sortBy=date&sortOrder=asc&filterField=state&filterValue=running


Modification done using PUT. Missing allowed_items overwriting. Missing redirects.

    {username: xxx,
    password:  yyy,
    allowed_items: []

All other view/state change requests besides /dashboard will redirect to either dashboard or login (if user settings changed).

item details

Changes state on GET. No redirects, this should be done by frontend.

GET /items/{id}/details
        id: int,
        state: string (running/paused/stopped)

item control

Basic item control. Changes state only when a modification was made.

PUT /items/{id}
    {state: string}