Vimate is a set of plug-ins and configuration file for vim. It is heavily based on the excellent Janus. Vimate is targeted at C, C++, and HTML5 developers. It comes with a descent numbers of plug-ins and file types.
mv ~/.vim ~/vim-old
git clone git:// ~/.vim
cd ~/.vim
[sudo] gem install github-markup
[sudo] gem install redcarpet # for markdown wiki notation
Vimate uses pathogen.vim to keep each plug-in separated in the ~/.vim/bundle/ directory. In addition, vimate uses braid in order to treat plug-ins as vendor branch/sub-projects, allowing you to keep all plug-ins up-to-date, independently from Vimate.
cd .vim
NOTE: braid is not currently working with ruby 1.9, if you use rvm,
switch to ruby 1.8.+ before calling
UltiSnips all.snippets has the following custom snippets:
- name
->Your Name
- @
- sgn
->Your Name <>
To specify your name and email address, you need to add the following lines in you ~/.profile export export NAME="John Doe"
You can create ~/.vimrc.local
and ~/.gvimrc.local
for any local
For example, to override the default color schemes:
echo color desert > ~/.vimrc.local
echo color molokai > ~/.gvimrc.local
The default color scheme is
Solarized, a highly professional
color scheme which comes in dark or light background.
You can use F8
to toggle from dark to light theme.
Solarized colorscheme needs some special colors that the terminal does not provide. To have a sweat experience you can change the default palette of your terminal emulator or decide to use the 256 degraded colors in vim.
Instructions are in Solarized README
Ack.vim uses ack to search inside the current directory for a pattern. You can learn more about it with :help Ack
Tabularized lets you align statements on their equal signs, make comment boxes, align comments, align declarations, etc.
:Tab /=
to align on=
's- Tabularized on
are mapped on<Leader>a=
When working on table like the following:
| a | b |
| c | d |
Tabularized will align the table each time |
is typed.
Command-T provides a mechanism for searching for a file inside the current working directory. It behaves similarly to command-t in TextMate.
Customizations: Vimate rebinds F3
to bring up this
plug-in. It defaults to <Leader>t
ConqueTerm embeds a basic terminal inside a vim buffer. The terminal has an insert mode in which you can type commands, tab complete and use the terminal like normal. You can also escape out of insert mode to use other vim commands on the buffer, like yank and paste.
Customizations: Vimate binds F6 to bring up
:ConqueTerm bash --login
in the current buffer.
Note: To get colors working, you might have to export TERM=xterm
and use ls -G
or gls --color
Indent object creates a "text object" that is relative to the current
ident. Text objects work inside of visual mode, and with c
(delete) and y
(yank). For instance, try going into a method in
normal mode, and type v ii
. Then repeat ii
Surround allows you to modify "surroundings" around the current text.
For instance, if the cursor was inside "foo bar"
, you could type
to convert the text to 'foo bar'
There's a lot more; check it out at :help surround
NERDCommenter allows you to wrangle your code comments, regardless of
filetype. View :help NERDCommenter
for all the details.
In insert mode, start typing something and hit <TAB>
to tab-complete
based on the current context.
Vimate includes the TagList plug-in, which binds :Tlist
to an overview
panel that lists all ctags for easy navigation.
Customizations: Vimate binds <Leader>rt
to the ctags command to
update tags. F4
will give you a list of all tags in the current file.
Note: For full language support, run brew install ctags
to install
Tip: Check out :help ctags
for information about VIM's built-in
ctag support. Tag navigation creates a stack which can traversed via
(to find the source of a token) and Ctrl-T
(to jump back up
one level).
Fugitive adds pervasive git support to git directories in vim. For more
information, use :help fugitive
Use :Gstatus
to view git status
and type -
on any file to stage or
unstage it. Type p
on a file to enter git add -p
and stage specific
hunks in the file. Use 'C' to commit changes.
When working with split windows, ZoomWin lets you zoom into a window and
out again using Ctrl-W o
Customizations: Vimate binds <Leader><return>
to :ZoomWin
Hammer takes the current buffer, tries to convert it to HTML, and opens it in your default browser. Hammer is enabled for Markdown files, but has support for much more.
Customizations: Vimate binds <Leader> p
to :Hammer
Gundo let you navigate into the undo tree from VIM.
Customizations: Vimate binds F5
to Gundo. Vimate has also
activated by default the persistent undo. If you modify your file, save
and quit, you can re-open it and still revert your changes! How cool is
Node: vimate <Leader>
key is /
Command | Action |
F2 |
Toggle copy and past mode. This is very useful when you want to past something in vim running in the terminal. It will deactivate the auto-indent and auto-insert of parenthesis. |
<Leader> n |
Toggle NERDTree |
<Leader> <CR> |
Zoom in and out current window |
<Leader> e |
expands to :e {directory of current file}/ (open in the current buffer) |
<Leader> t e |
expands to :te {directory of current file}/ (open in a new tab) |
<C-P> |
Insert the directory of the current file when in command bar |
<C-Up> |
Move current line or visual block up |
<C-Down> |
Move current line or visual block down |
<Leader> <Leader> |
Incremental search is turned on. This removes the highlighted search term. |
<F8> |
Toggle between dark and light theme for Solarized. |
If you ever feel lost, you can type :Listmaps
to get a list of all
mappings offered by Vimate distribution.
Normal mode
Command | action |
daw |
delete (around) the word under the cursor, even if cursor is in the middle of the word. If there is a space after or before the word, it will be deleted too. |
diw |
delete (inside) the word under the cursor, even if cursor is in the middle of the word. No space deleted. |
I |
Move cursor at the beginning of the line and enter in Insert mode. |
A |
Append at the end of the line. (Very useful) |
Visual block mode
Command | action |
I |
Insert text in from of every selected lines |
$A |
Append text at the end of every selected lines ($ extends the block selection to the longest line in the selection). |