
This repository is where I'm going to save my exercises and projects for the book "PCthon Crash Course", by Eric Matthes.


  • Chapter one: It doesn't have code, so....
  • Chapter two: ✅
  • Chapter three: ✅
  • Chapter four: ✅
  • Chapter five: ✅
  • Chapter six: ✅

About the exercises:

During the development of this repository, I decided to only code the important or the challenging exercises. During the sixth chapter I've found myself unmotivated, so, to keep uploading to this repository, I've decided to do only the ones that are not repetitive, boring or not challenging.


I'm doing this to learn, so, if you have any suggestion, please, feel free to create an issue for it. Also, if there is any topic in specific that we have on the book that you wanted to see, please, create an issue and I will try to solve it as soon as possible ;).