
Password input field with built in strength meter and Material UI support based on regex!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Coverage Status FOSSA Status Known Vulnerabilities

An input password built with and for React and works nicely with Material-UI

You can easily setup your own custom validation rules with regex!



Material UI Support


And more ...



npm install react-nice-input-password --save


import NiceInputPassword from 'react-nice-input-password';

// If you wanna use the basic css from this library (Optional)
import 'react-nice-input-password/dist/react-nice-input-password.css';

// If you are using NextJs (server side rendering)
import dynamic from "next/dynamic"
const NiceInputPassword = dynamic(() => import('react-nice-input-password'), {ssr: false});

React-Nice-Input-Password uses the traditional input[type=password] behinde the cenes. The strenght configuration can be passed as an array of objects to the prop securityLevels.

You can see a sample of code bellow:

import React from 'react';
import NiceInputPassword from 'react-nice-input-password';
import 'react-nice-input-password/dist/react-nice-input-passord.css';

class App extends React.Component {
  state = {}
  handleChange = (data) => {
      [data.name]: data.value,
  render() {
    const { passwordField } = this.state;
    const value = passwordField && passwordField.value;

    return (
        label="My password field"
            descriptionLabel: '1 number',
            validator: /.*[0-9].*/,
            descriptionLabel: '1 lowercase letter',
            validator: /.*[a-z].*/,
            descriptionLabel: '1 uppercase letter',
            validator: /.*[A-Z].*/,

Usage with Material-UI

import React from 'react';
import NiceInputPassword from 'react-nice-input-password';
import {TextField, InputLabel, Typography} from '@material-ui/core';
import LockIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Lock';

class App extends React.Component {
  state = {}
  handleChange = (data) => {
      [data.name]: data.value,
  render() {
    const { passwordField } = this.state;
    const value = passwordField && passwordField.value;

    return (
        label="My password field"
          variant: 'outlined',
          InputProps: {
            endAdornment: <LockIcon />,
            descriptionLabel: <Typography>1 number</Typography>,
            validator: /.*[0-9].*/,
            descriptionLabel: <Typography>1 lowecase letter</Typography>,
            validator: /.*[a-z].*/,
            descriptionLabel: <Typography>1 uppercase letter</Typography>,
            validator: /.*[A-Z].*/,

Custom classNames

You can provide a custom className to the Nice Input Password and custom className to the color levels, which will be added to input, description and bullets level elements using dangerClassName, warningClassName and successClassName.

Select Props

Property Type Default Description
label string or function undefined The label showned on top of input element
name string undefined The name used on input element name={name}
visible boolean false Make the password visible by changing the input type to text
placeholder string (empty string) The placeholder used on input element placeholder={placeholder}
className string (empty string) Optional class to be passed to niceinputpassword context
style object undefined Optional style to be passed to input field
LabelComponent ReactComponent input Optional label component to be used
InputComponent ReactComponent input Optional input component to be used
InputComponentProps Object null Optional object to be passed to the custom InputComponent
renderLevelBarComponent Render function null Optional function to return a custom levelbar component
normalClassName string 'none' The className used on level color
dangerClassName string 'danger' The className used on level color
warningClassName string 'warning' The className used on level color
successClassName string 'success' The className used on level color
startAdornment ReactNode undefined Start adornment for this component
endAdornment ReactNode undefined End adornment for this component
value string undefined The value to be renderized on element
showSecurityLevelBar bool false Key to show or not the security level bullets of password
showSecurityLevelDescription bool false Key to show or not the security level description securityLevels object
securityLevels array of objects [] The array containing the objects to validate the password, see a sample of this object on after this table
onChange func undefined onChange handler: @params: { name, value, isValid}


MIT Licensed. Copyright (c) Renan Borges.

FOSSA Status