Almost every time we register on a web app, we have to confirm our account by clicking on a link that's been sent to our email. This is a great way to avoid registering users with fake info. In this lab, we will do the same exact thing - create app that will allow users to signup but their status will be by default set to Pending Confirmation
and after they get the email verification code to their email and respond to it, their status will be changed to active
. We will use Nodemailer for this!
- Fork this repo
- Then clone this repo
- Upon completion, run the following commands:
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "done"
$ git push origin master
- Create Pull Request so your TAs can check up your work.
The irongenerator
is pretty awesome, and with this new feature, you will love it even more. When running the irongenerate nameOfYourProject
command on the terminal, you get a pretty cool express application ready to start working, but if you add the --auth
flag, you will get the same application with PassportJS's signup
and login
already set up.
So inside the folder you just cloned, go ahead and run the following command:
$ irongenerate lab-nodemailer --auth
$ cd lab-nodemailer
$ npm install
Awesome huh? Let's start!
First, we need to modify the User
model. Inside the models
folder, you will find a user.js
file. We already have the username
and password
fields, so we need to add the followings:
- will be a string, and you should add anenum
because the only possible values are: "Pending Confirmation" or "Active". By default, when a new user is created, it will be set to "Pending Confirmation".confirmationCode
- here we will store a confirmation code; it will be unique for each
- the user will complete the signup form with the email they will use to confirm the account.
On the auth/signup.hbs
file you need to add an input
tag for the email. When the user clicks on the signup
button, you should store the following values in the database:
- username - from the
; - password - after hashing the value of the
field from thereq.body
; - email - from the
; - confirmationCode - for creating a confirmation code, you can use any methodology, from installing the npm package for email verification to simplest
function on some string.
const characters = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
let token = '';
for (let i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
token += characters[Math.floor(Math.random() * characters.length )];
Now, you have to store the token in the confirmationCode
After creating the user, you should send the email to the address the user put on the email
field. Remember to use Nodemailer for this. You should include the following URL in the email:
When the user clicks on the URL we included in the email, we should make a comparison of the confirmationCode
on the URL and the one in the database. You should create a route: /confirm/:confirmCode
inside the routes/auth.js
Inside the route, after comparing the confirmation code, you have to set the status
field of the user to 'Active'. Then render a confirmation.hbs
view, letting the user know that everything went perfect, or showing the error.
Finally, you have to create a profile.hbs
view, where you have to render the username
and the status
of the user.
Sending the email that contains only the URL is super boring! Feel free to style it better.
Happy Coding! ❤️