About the problem

We have a portfolio of possible future expenses, denoted by $\mathbb{E} = {E_1,\dots, E_N}$. Each expense $E_i$ is a data consisted of the following information:

  • a due date $d_i$ (in terms of days after starting day);
  • a priority $p_i \in [1,3]$;
  • a minimum cost value $\underline{g}_{i}$;
  • a maximum cost value $\overline{g}_{i}$;
  • a target cost value $\hat{g}_{i}$;
  • a binary flag, $f_i$, indicating whether the expense is mandatory or not.

We also have the following relevant information:

  • a recurrent expected budget $b$;
  • a expected recurrence to the budget, $\delta$, in days;
  • number of days since last recurrence $\delta_0$;
  • a initial budget $b_0$;
  • number of iterations $M$;

Note that the due date and minimum and maximum cost information are optional. The priority is in descending order, that is, priority 1 is the highest priority. Obviously, mandatory expense has even higher priority. We also ask to $\underline{g}{i} \le \hat{g}{i} \le \overline{g}_{i}$. Usually, a monthly recurrence is expected, thus $\delta = 30$ in most cases.

MILP Model

Decision variables

We have the following decision variables:

  • $x_{i,j}$: partial spend relative to $E_i$ in iteration $j$;
  • $y_i$: binary variable, indicating wheater $E_i$ is going to be attended or not.
  • $\epsilon_i$: absolute error between total spend on $E_i$ and target cost.


Total spend can not exceed maximum cost:

$$ \begin{align} \sum_{j=0}^M x_{i,j} \le y_i \cdot \overline{g}_i \end{align} $$

Minumum cost must be respected: $$ \begin{align} \sum_{j=0}^M x_{i,j} \ge y_i \cdot \underline{g}_i \end{align} $$

One can not have partial spends after due date:

$$ \begin{align*} x_{i,j} = 0 ,,, \textit{se } , d_i < \delta - \delta_0 + (j-1) \cdot \delta \end{align*} $$

Total spends must respect budget in each iteration:

$$ \begin{align} \sum_{i=1}^N \sum_{j=0}^k x_{i,j} \le b_0 + k \cdot b ,,, \forall , k = 0,1,\dots, M \end{align} $$

Next constraint define relative error: $$ \begin{align} -\epsilon_i \cdot \hat{g}i \le \sum{j=0}^M x_{i,j} - \hat{g}_i \le \epsilon_i \cdot \hat{g}_i \end{align} $$

All mandatory expenses must be attendend: $$ \begin{align} y_i \ge f_i \end{align} $$

Objective function

$$ \begin{align} \textit{min} \sum_{i=0}^{M-1} \left( \frac{\epsilon_i}{p_i^C} + A \cdot y_i \right) \end{align} $$

where $A \ge 0$ and $C &gt; 1$ are hyper-parameters.