
Hey there, visitor! How are you doing? =)

Hi there! 👋

How are you doing? =)

👉 Currently, I'm working as a tech lead at GeekHunter.

👉 I'm studying React ⚛️, React Native 📱, GraphQL 🚀 and Elixir 💧.

🌱 On knowledge

I try to learn as much as possible from open-source projects, initiatives, and any other source of knowledge.

Life is very complex, but we might as well learn as much as we can, right?

🗿 On projects & personal values

I believe technology can change people's lives, and open source projects are at the core of that.

Thus, I am focused on creating & shipping projects that help on real-world issues, making the difference.

☕ Let's talk!

Shoot me a message on LinkedIn or email on any of the following topics below!

  • Programming stuff
  • Movies, music, and books
  • Games
  • Food

Oh! You can also check other links and stuff here =)