
My FAI configurations

Primary LanguageShell

Generic FAI configuration


First you should clone the default configuration files from github:

cd /srv
https://github.com/renard/fai-config.git fai

For your very first installation you must install some required tools. Make sure your Debian distibution is Squeeze.

Add following line to your /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://debian.chezwam.org/debian squeeze-cw main contrib non-free

Then install required tools:

apt-get update
fai -v -s file:///srv/fai/config -c FAI softupdate /

Then you need to declare on which interface you want to run FAI from your network. Edit /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server. Update file with following if you are running FAI from eth1:


Local configuration

You can define your own local configuration into directely into git. You need to create an empty branch called local:

git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/local
rm .git/index
git clean -fdx

You can save that parameter into git configuration:

git config fai.local local

Then you can add some files. The first you might need is Makefile.conf.local:

# -*- makefile-gmake -*-

MY_FAI_SERVER     = $(shell ip a l $(MY_INSTALL_IFACE) | sed -n 's,.*inet \([^/]\+\).*,\1,p' | head -n 1)

This will fit your setup from eth1.

Then commit your changes:

git add Makefile.conf.local
git commit -asm "First commit for local branch."

Then you can create initial FAI configuration:

git checkout master
make conf
make init
make update-fai-config

You need to update exports files (this is a one time operation) in /etc/exports:


And run:

/etc/init.d/portmap restart
/etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart

Now you would be able to setup some new hosts.

Adding your own configuration

Add all your configuration files into the local branch:

git checkout local
vi path/to/file
git add path/t/file
git commit

To update your configuration with your newy created files you need to:

git checkout master
make conf

This will create a __LIVE__ branch by rebasing local on top of master.