
Generate simple PKI for testing purposes

Primary LanguageMakefile

Simple PKI for testing purposes

This Makefile creates simple PKI for testing purposes. Its main purpose is to create both server and client certificates to test proxy SSL offloading.

Do not use for production.


Create a self-signed CA:

make ca.pem

Create a certificate for server1.example.com:

make server1.example.com.pem.ecdsa

If you need a RSA certificate:

make server1.example.com.pem.rsa


Generate simple PKI for testing purposes

make ca.pem                      Create a CA certificate
make test.example.com.pem.rsa    Generate certificate RSA certificate for
make test.example.com.pem.ecdsa  Generate certificate ECDSA certificate for

Additionnal variables:

   DOMAIN       Domain used for the CA (default example.com)
   DAYS         Certificate validity (default 365)
   RSA_SIZE     RSA key size (default 4096)

To generate a certificate valid for 5 minutes:

    faketime '-1 day' make ca.pem DOMAIN=example.com
    faketime '-1 day + 5 minutes' make test.example.com.pem.ecdsa DAYS=1


Copyright © 2022- Sébastien Gross

This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details.