
Draw technical dimension lines in Latex / TikZ

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Technical dimension lines in Tikz

Dimension lines are drawn segments that indicate the measurement of a feature. The line has an arrow at both ends to show that the dimension displayed covers the entire span of that line. The direction of the line (vertical, horizontal or diagonal) shows the direction of the measurement. Dimension lines are kept outside of the object illustrated, typically connected to other lines that display the area where that measurement applies. This keeps the illustration clear.


To install the tkiz-dimline package copy its directory to either to:

  • $TEXHOME/tex/latex/
  • $TEXMFHOME/tex/latex/
  • ~/texmf/tex/latex/
  • ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex/


  \draw[line width=1pt]  (0,0) -- (0,4) -- (.5,4) -- (.5,5) -- (1.,5)
  -- (1.,4) -- (1.5,4) -- (1.5,0) -- cycle;

  \draw node (A) at (2.5,0) {};
  \dimline[line style = {line width=0.7},
    extension start length=-0.24,
    extension end length=-0.24] {(A)}{($ (A) + (0,4) $)}{$4.0$};

  \dimline[line style = {red, line width=0.7},
    extension start length=0,
    extension end length=0] {(0,2)}{(1.5, 2)}{ $\diameter 1.5$};

  \dimline[label style={above=0.5ex,},
    extension start path = {(0,6) (0,5.7) (0.5,5.4) (0.5,5.05)},
    extension end path =  {(1.5,6) (1.5,5.7) (1,5.4) (1,5.05)},]
          {(0,6)}{(1.5,6)}{$\diameter 0.5$};

See tikz-dimline-doc.pdf for further help.


Global dimension line

Dimension line example 1

Normal arrow details

Dimension line example 2

Reversed arrow details

Dimension line example 3


This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See http://www.wtfpl.net/txt/copying/ for more details.