Hey everyone! Here is where our HTML/CSS exercises live for now. They are going to be broken into sections based on a range of coding tasks. You can download them all as a ZIP file, or go into each one and just cut and paste into your coding software (like Atom).
We'll take a look at everyone's code each week, answer questions, and talk about what we want to look at next. These will become increasingly complex (hopefully), so everyone should stay challenged. Thanks!
- Exercise 1: Typography
- Exercise 2: Backgrounds
- Exercise 3: The Box Model
- Exercise 4: Floats, pt. 1
- Exercise 5: Floats, pt. 2
- Exercise 6: Using a CSS icon set
- Exercise 7: Responsive design, pt. 1
- Exercise 8: Responsive type
- Exercise 9: Frameworks, pt. 1
- Exercise 10: Layouts using CSS Grid and flexbox