
Shows how to compile a project with Java classes using Groovy classes

Primary LanguageGroovy

Sample Groovy-Java Maven modules joint compilation

This project consists of 2 Maven sub-modules:

  • test-groovy
  • test-java

test-java depends on test-groovy.

test-groovy contains a simple class with a @Builder. The magic this AST does is visible from Java!

test-java uses the builder created automagically by Groovy.

Here's the Groovy class:

package groovy_pkg

import groovy.transform.Canonical
import groovy.transform.builder.Builder
import groovy.transform.builder.SimpleStrategy

@Builder(builderStrategy = SimpleStrategy, prefix = 'with')
class GroovyWithBuilder {
    int a

And the Java class that uses it:

package java_pkg;

import groovy_pkg.GroovyWithBuilder;

public class MainJavaClass

    public static void main(String[] args)
        System.out.println("Java Class got Groovy Object: " + new GroovyWithBuilder().withA(5));

To compile everything:

mvn clean install

To run the Java class:

cd test-java
mvn exec:java