- 5
Bug: Reconnect with Racechrono and BT SPP
#30 opened by R1Snake - 2
Log data (to flash, or to SD)
#15 opened by renatobo - 1
RaceChrono: support iOS
#17 opened by renatobo - 2
Great job : can we add the 880 BN Compass ?
#26 opened by smichel19 - 1
- 1
first BLE connection fails
#23 opened by renatobo - 0
Add inline links to setup connectivity with apps
#20 opened by renatobo - 1
Support LOLIN D32 PRO
#19 opened by renatobo - 0
use ublox libraries to manage GPS configurations
#14 opened by renatobo - 0
OTA via browser or from internet location
#16 opened by renatobo - 1
HTL: use a binary protocol
#9 opened by renatobo - 0
- 1
TrackAddict - add GLL messages
#8 opened by renatobo - 0
Racetime: identify NMEA messages and support
#12 opened by renatobo - 2
- 0
Support RaceTime app
#10 opened by renatobo - 1
Reduce NimBLE footprint
#5 opened by renatobo - 1
BT-SPP and Webserver conflict
#2 opened by renatobo - 0
Make TCP/IP server optional
#3 opened by renatobo